About me.
Whatever I have and do is by the grace of God.
As an artist, I seek to celebrate what is beautiful and striking in the world. Claude Monet and Marie Cassatt have influenced me throughout my life, not only for their brilliant use of light and form, but also, for their love of color.
While I paint a variety of subject matter, I am particularly drawn to explore the face and the eyes of people. One’s life story is told there. I attempt to reveal and evoke through exploration of these striking features.
My work is impressionistic in the search and use of color. My approach is simple; I spontaneously draw and paint with my brush…nothing is planned beyond what lies in my mind’s eye. I am always trying new things and techniques to push myself creatively.
Thank you for visiting and viewing! I leave you with my favorite phrase…
TuziBooks started as a kernel that grew.
One of my favorite things to eat is popcorn! Then one day, the idea for this book literally “popped” into my head! Why not write a book about a little piece of popcorn that comes to life for my grandchildren? That is how “Just The Way That You Are” came to be.
The main character, Sonny Pop, was inspired by my three little sillies, who are so loving, creative, fun, adventurous and free-spirited. They became my best critics and editors along the way, helping me hone what worked or didn’t with the story and illustrations. If they understood and liked the story and pictures, and they were amused, it was a go! It has been a loving adventure for us all! Also, the story has become their top request at bedtime during sleepovers.
This is my first book that I have written and illustrated. I have a second that is written, and illustrations are in the works.
Thank you for joining me! Remember: “Many things in life will capture your eye, follow those that capture your heart.”
Leslie Ann Tuzi

These are a few of my favorite things!
Exploring faces and people…
Exploring nature, travel locations and more…